Alan Foster Asay, P.E., M.S.
Asay Engineering, LLC
928 North 860 West
American Fork, Utah 84003
Phone: (801) 358-0115
Email: alan@asayengineering.com
Registered Professional Engineer
Utah #180089, Oct 1994
Licenses and Certifications
Professional Engineer, State of Utah, #180089
Brake Adjuster/ Inspector, Utah Trucking Association
Class “B” Commercial Driver License with a Motorcycle Endorsement, State of Utah
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Member
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Member
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, August 1992
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, April 1990
Mathematics Minor
SAE International Symposiums
Accident Reconstruction; Presenter for “Crash Pulse Modeling”, Ventura, CA, November 2005
Highway Vehicle Event Data Recorders; NTSB Academy, Ashburn, Virginia, June 2004
Received Excellence in Oral Presentation Award for Crash Pulse and Delta V Comparisons in a Series of Crash Tests with Similar Damage (BEV, EES), SAE World Congress, April 2008
Received Excellence in Oral Presentation Award for Narrow Object Impact Analysis and Comparison with Flat Barrier Impacts, SAE World Congress, March 2002
Passed Professional Engineering Exam, Oct 1994
Passed the Engineer-in-training (EIT) Exam, April 1994
Academic Scholarship to Brigham Young University, May 1983
Vocational Arts Contest (VICA), First Place in Mechanical Drawing, April 1983
Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America, July 1978
Professional Profile
Mr. Alan Asay has over 35 years experience in accident investigation and reconstruction, testing, research, consulting and litigation support for clients across the United States.
Mr. Asay has a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering and is also a Licensed Professional Engineer.
Specific areas of expertise for Mr. Asay include vehicle collision reconstruction of automobile, pedestrian, OHV and ATV collisions. Additionally, he is able to download and interpret event data recorders (EDR) from automobiles and heavy trucks and address issues involving vehicle system components.
Mr. Asay has provided expert witness testimony in criminal and civil proceedings and civil litigation at deposition, mediation and jury trial levels in many states.
Additionally, Mr. Asay has investigated and reconstructed numerous collisions involving motorcycle impacts at high and low speeds, explored motorcycle avoidance maneuvers and analyzed effects of aftermarket design alterations on motorcycle performance.
One of Mr. Asay’s most notable contributions to the discipline of accident reconstruction is in the area of crash testing. He was instrumental in researching and developing a unique innovative test methodology involving the study of vehicles that impact stationary objects. In traditional crash tests, a test vehicle is pulled or towed into a stationary object or barrier. The innovative test methodology developed, utilizes a large moving barrier, referred to as a Massive Moving Barrier (MMB), which is driven into a stationary test vehicle. This unique method of testing has proven to increase accuracy and repeatability of unusual test configurations while reducing the overall costs associated with traditional test methodology.
The MMB has allowed for many tests to be performed in the field of rollover testing. Besides just impact testing, the MMB has been utilized as a tow vehicle in order to conduct numerous rollover case studies along an actual highway. These series of rollover tests were the first-ever of this type to be conducted an published with instrumented vehicles.
Work Experience
Asay Engineering, LLC
Senior Mechanical Engineer, January 2014-Present
Armstrong Forensic Engineers, Inc.
Senior Engineering: July 2012 – January 2014
Woolley Engineering Research Corporation
Mechanical Engineer: July 1992 – July 2012
Collision Safety Engineering
Mechanical Engineer: 1990 – 1992
Graphics Technician: 1986 – 1990
Professional Affiliations
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Member since 1991
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Member since 1992
SAE International Seminars
Commercial Vehicle Braking Systems, December 2013
Applying Automotive EDR Data to Traffic Crash Reconstruction, February 2013
Accessing and Interpreting Heavy Vehicle Event Data Recorders, October 2012
Applied Vehicle Dynamics Seminar, BMW, South Carolina, November 2011
Accident Reconstruction: Special Topics; Tempe, Arizona, May 2001
Accident Reconstruction: State-of-the-Art Toptec; Costa Mesa, CA, December 1999
Passenger Car Rollover Toptec: Cause and Prevention; San Diego, CA, January 1999
Airbag Design and Performance Toptec; Costa Mesa, CA, August 1997
Northwestern University Traffic Institute – Traffic Accident Reconstruction II, Oakland, CA, May 1996
Low Speed Rear Impact Collision Toptec; Irvine, CA, August 1994
Impact Testing of Passenger Vehicle and Semi-Truck Pneumatic Tires and Rims, Alan F. Asay, Ronald L. Woolley, Brian C. Neilson; Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE#2023-01-0625, April 2023.
Rollover Accident Reconstruction, SAE Accident Reconstruction Series; Rose, Beauchamp, Asay, SAE 2019.
Rear Override Impact Analysis of Full-Size and Light Duty Pickup Trucks for Crash Reconstruction, Alan F. Asay, Christopher D. Armstrong, Bradley Higgins, John Steiner; Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE#2017-01-1423, April 2015.
Rollover Testing of a Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) with an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), Alan F. Asay, Jarrod Carter, James Funk, Gregory Stephens; Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE#2015-01-1475, April 2015.
Snowmobile Cornering and Acceleration Data from On-Snow Testing, Mark H. Warner, Jon E. Bready, Wyatt Y. Warner, Alan F. Asay; Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE#2015-01-1431, April 2015.
An Integrated Model of Rolling and Sliding in Rollover Crashes, James Funk, Jeffrey Wirth, Enrique Bonugli, Richard Watson, Alan F. Asay; Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE#2012-01-0605, April 2012.
Reconstruction of an Actual Vehicle Rollover as a Special Project in an Undergraduate Dynamics Course, Blake M. Ashby, Alan F. Asay; American Society for Engineering Education, AC 2911-1919, June 2011.
Comparing Dolly Rollover Testing to Steer-Induced Rollover Events for an Enhanced Understanding of Off-Road Rollover Dynamics, Peter Luepke, Alan F. Asay; Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE#2011-01-1112, April 2011.
Rollover Testing of Sport Utility Vehicles (SUV’s) on an Actual Highway, Alan F. Asay, Ronald L. Woolley; Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE#2010-001-0521, April 2010.
Rollover Testing on an Actual Highway, Alan F. Asay, Ronald L. Woolley; Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE#2009-01-1544, April 2009.
Crash Pulse and Delta V Comparisons in a Series of Crash Tests with Similar Damage (BEV, EES), Ronald L. Woolley, Alan F. Asay; Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE #2008-01-0168, April 2008.
Narrow Object Impact Analysis and Comparison with Flat Barrier Impacts, Alan F. Asay, Dagmar B. Jewkes, and Ronald L. Woolley; Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE #2002-01-0552, March 2002.
Crash Testing with a Massive Moving Barrier as an Accident Reconstruction Tool, Ronald L. Woolley, Alan F. Asay, Dagmar Buzeman Jewkes, and Chuck Monson; Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE #2000-01-0604, March 2000.
Determination of Vehicle Crush from Two Photographs and the use of 3D Displacement Vectors in Accident Reconstruction, Ronald L. Woolley, Karen A. White, Alan F. Asay, Jon E. Bready; Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE #910118, January 1991.